蔡林峻 助理教授 研究室:4207 校內分機:3815 電子郵件:linjiun.tsai@scu.edu.tw 個人網址:https://linjiun.github.io/ 最高學歷:國立台灣大學電機工程博士 生成式人工智慧 資訊檢索 專利資料科學 深度學習 期刊論文 會議論文 專書 專利 L. Tsai, H. Franke, C.-S. Li and W. Liao, "Learning-based memory allocation optimization for delay-sensitive big data processing," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 29.6, 1332-1341, 2018. (Rank: 14/111=12.6%; IF: 5.3; SCIE) L. Tsai and W. Liao, "StarCube: an on-demand and cost-effective framework for cloud data center networks with performance guarantee," IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 6.1, 235-249, 2018. (Rank: 18/111=16.2%; IF: 6.5; SCIE) L. Tsai and W. Liao, "Cost-aware workload consolidation in green cloud datacenter," IEEE CloudNet, 2012, Paris. L. Tsai and W. Liao, "Virtualized cloud data center networks: issues in resource management," SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Springer, 2016. L. Tsai and W. Liao, "Method for allocating cloud service to servers of data center," US9641451B2 and TWI539776B. L. Tsai, "Smart card and access method thereof," US8281150B2 and TWI534711B. L. Tsai, S.-K. Chong, J.-S. Wu, "Dynamic data masking method and database system," US20140164405A1 and TWI616762B.