
劉譯閎 副教授

  • 研究室:4302A
  • 校內分機:3810
  • 電子郵件:randyliu@scu.edu.tw
  • 最高學歷:國立中央大學資訊管理博士
  • 113.02-迄今東吳大學資訊管理學系副教授
  • 109-113.01東吳大學資訊管理學系助理教授
  • 111-迄今法務部政府資料開放諮詢小組委員
  • 107-109浙江工業大學副教授
  • 104國立中央大學資管系 博士後研究
  • 103-104The University of Arizona, Dept. of MIS, AI Lab, Visiting Scholar
機器學習 自然語言處理 電子醫療健康 智慧法律資料分析 運動科技 電子商務

  1. Liu, Y.H. and Chen, S.F. Advanced intelligent health advice with informative summaries to facilitate treatment decision making, Electronic Library. (2023/07, Accepted). (SSCI).
  2. Liu, Y.H., Chen, S.F. and Wen, D.W, (Marian). Automatic Retrieval of Health Case Reports for Public Needs using Deep Learning Techniques, Aslib Journal of Information Management. (2023/07, Accepted). (SSCI/SCI).
  3. Liu, Y.H., Chen, Y.L. and Chang, P.Y. A deep multi-embedding model for mobile application recommendation, Decision Support Systems. (2023/05, Accepted). (SCI, Q1).
  4. Wang, J., Vo-Thanh, T., Liu, Y.H., Dang-Van, T. and Nguyen, N. Information confusion as a driver of consumer switching intention on social commerce platforms: a multi-method quantitative approach, Information Technology & People, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1108/ITP-04-2022-0284. (SSCI, Q2).
  5. Shiau, W.L., Chen, H., Chen, K.C., Liu, Y.H. and Tan, F.T. A Cross-Cultural Perspective on the Blended Service Quality for Ride-Sharing Continuance, Journal of Global Information Management, 2021, 29(6), 1-25. (SSCI)
  6. Chen, C.M., Liu, Y.H., Cai, Z.X. and Lai, G.H. A Power-efficient Approach to Detect Mobile Threats on the Emergent Network Environment, IEEE Access, 2020, 8, 199840-199851. (SCI)
  7. Song, X., Jin, J., Liu, Y.H. and Yan, X. Lose Your Weight with Online Buddies: Behavioral Contagion in an Online Weight-loss Community, Information Technology & People, 2020, 33(1), 22-36. (SSCI)
  8.  Liu, Y.H., Song X. and Chen, S.F. Long Story Short: Finding Health Advice with Informative Summaries on Health Social Media, Aslib Journal of Information Management, 2019, 71(6), 821-840 (SSCI)
  9.  Song, X., Liu, Y.H., Jin, J. and Zhao, J. Factors driving users’ continuance of online health promotion competitions: Evidence from an online weight-loss community, Online Information Review, 2018, 42(6), 802-820. (SSCI/SCI)
  10.  Liu, Y.H. and Chen, Y.L. A two-phase sentiment analysis approach for judgement prediction, Journal of Information Science, 2018, 44(5), 594-607. (SSCI/SCI)
  11.  Wu, C.C., Chen, Y.L., Liu, Y.H. and Yang, X.Y. Decision tree induction with a constrained number of leaf nodes. Applied Intelligence, 2016, 45(3), 673-685. (SCI)
  12.  Liu, Y.H., Chen, Y.L., Ho, W.L. Predicting associated statutes for legal problems, Information Processing and Management, 2015, 51(1): 194-211. (SSCI/SCI)
  13.  Chen, Y.L., Liu, Y.H., Ho, W.L. A text mining approach to assist the general public in the retrieval of legal documents, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology(JASIST), 2013, 64(2): 280-290. (SSCI/SCI)

  1. Ma, S.M., Chen, S.F. and Liu, Y.H. “A Study of Sports Constraints Negotiation Process In Individuals With Sarcopenia: A Perspective of The Model of Goal Directed Behavior,” Asian Association for Sport Management (AASM) 2023 Conference, Sarawak, Malaysia, August 2023.
  2. Chen, S.F., Ma, S.M. and Liu, Y.H. “Crafting One's Leisure: The Impact of Leisure Crafting on Perceived Leisure Constraints and Leisure Participation Among High Tech Industry Workers and Retirees,” Asian Association for Sport Management (AASM) 2023 Conference, Sarawak, Malaysia, August 2023.
  3. 杜杰, 溫丹瑋, 劉譯閎。應用圖像辨識於整合型即時海釣暨魚類辦識系統。第34屆國際資訊管理學術研討會 (ICIM 2023),國立中山大學。2023年6月。
  4. Chia-Mei Chen, Dan-Wei Marian Wen, Jun-Jie Fang, Gu Hsin Lai, Yi-Hung Liu "A Study on Security Trend based on News Analysis," IEEE 10th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2019), Morioka, Japan, Oct., 2019.
  5. Chen, S.F. and Liu, Y.H. "The Development and Application of Text Mining in Recreational Sport Management Research: the Compilation of a Leisure Negotiation Text Corpus," The 27th European Sport Management Conference (EASM 2019), Seville, Spain, Sep. 3-6, 2019.
  6. Wang, Y., Zhang, H. and Liu, Y.H. "Linking Social Media Use to Leader-Follower Relationships: The Roles of Perceived Social Support and Secure Attachment," Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2019), Xi’an, China, July 8-12, 2019.
  7. Hu, Y.C., Liu, Y.H. and Chang, I.C. "Color Image Coding Based on Block Truncation Coding Using Quadtree Segmentation," The 3rd International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS 2018), Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan, Apr. 27-30, 2018.
  8. Chia-Mei Chen, Dan-Wei Marian Wen, Jun-Jie Fang, Gu Hsin Lai, Yi-Hung Liu "A Study on Security Trend based on News Analysis," IEEE 10th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2019), Morioka, Japan, Oct., 2019.
  9. Wang, Y., Zhang, H. and Liu, Y.H. "Linking Social Media Use to Leader-Follower Relationships: The Roles of Perceived Social Support and Secure Attachment," Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2019), Xi’an, China, July 8-12, 2019.
  10. Hu, Y.C., Liu, Y.H. and Chang, I.C. "Color Image Coding Based on Block Truncation Coding Using Quadtree Segmentation," The 3rd International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS 2018), Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan, Apr. 27-30, 2018.

  1. 112年8月1日至113年7月31日,主持112年教育部教學實踐研究計畫,「運用WSQ無縫式翻轉教學於改善學習成效之研究—以資料庫管理課程為例」。(PBM1123598,$261,000)
  2. 112年8月1日至113年7月31日,主持國科會(科技部)計畫,「判例文件分析與應用:運用深度學習建構法律決策模式研究」(2/2)。(MOST 111-2410-H-031-032-MY2,$600,000)
  3. 111年8月1日至112年7月31日,主持國科會(科技部)計畫,「判例文件分析與應用:運用深度學習建構法律決策模式研究」(1/2)。(MOST 111-2410-H-031-032-MY2,$630,000)
  4. 110年5月1日至111年4月30日,主持科技部計畫,「病患認知差異之探索: 運用深度學習建構醫病共享決策模式研究」(2/2)。(MOST 109-2410-H-031-004-MY2 ,$621,000)
  5. 109年5月1日至110年4月30日,主持科技部計畫,「病患認知差異之探索: 運用深度學習建構醫病共享決策模式研究」(1/2)。(MOST 109-2410-H-031-004-MY2 ,$683,000)
  1. 110學年度熱心導師獎。
  2. 科技部110年度學術優秀人才『獎勵新聘』。
  3. 109學年度第1學期教學課堂反應調查位居全校前11%~25%。