
林聰武 教授

  • 研究室:4219
  • 校內分機:3807
  • 電子郵件:twlin@scu.edu.tw
  • 最高學歷:國立清華大學資訊科學博士
  • 97-迄今 東吳大學資訊管理學系教授
  • 92-97 東吳大學資訊科學系教授
  • 89-92 東吳大學資訊科學系教授兼系主任
  • 83-87 東吳大學資訊科學系副教授
  • 81 東吳大學資訊科學系副教授兼系主任
  • 80-81 東吳大學資訊科學系副教授
交易策略暨系統 計算機圖學 資訊教育 影像檢索
  1. Bin-Shyan Jong, Chien-Hung Lai, Yen-Teh Hsia, Tsong-Wuu Lin, Yu-Syuan Liao, (2014),  “An exploration of the potential educational value of Facebook,” Computers in Human Behavior 32 ,201–211. 【SSCI】
  2. Bin-Shyan Jong, Chien-Hung Lai, Yen-Teh Hsia, Tsong-Wuu Lin and Cheng-Yu Lu, (2013/05), “Using Game-Based Cooperative Learning to Improve Learning Motivation: A Study of Online Game Use in an Operating Systems Course”, IEEE Transaction on Education, Vol.56, No.2, page:183-190  【SCI,EI】
  3. Bin-Shyan Jong, Chien-Hung Lai, Yen-Teh Hsia and Tsong-Wuu Lin, ( 2013/05), “Effects of Anonymity in Group Discussion on Peer Interaction and Learning Achievement”, IEEE Transaction on Education, Vol.56, No.3, page:292-299  【SCI,EI】
  4. Bin-Shyan Jong, Chien-Ming Chen, Te-Yi Chan, Yen-The Hsia andTsong-Wuu Lin,  (2012/3), “Applying Learning Portfolios and Thinking Styles to Adaptive Remedial Learning”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Vol.20, No.1, page:45-61.【SCI,EI】
  5. Chien-Hsing Chiang, Bin-Shyan Jong, Tsong-Wuu Lin, ( 2011/9), “A Robust Feature-Preserving Semi-regular Remeshing Method for Triangular Meshes”, The Visual Computer, Vol.27, No.9, page:811~825. 【SCI,EI】
  6. Bin-Shyan Jong, Chi-Kang Kao, Juin-Ling Tseng, Tsong-Wuu Lin, (2011/11) “Compression of dynamic 3D meshes and progressive displaying”, IEICE Transactions on Information & System, Vol.E94-D, No.11, page:2271~2279  【SCI,EI】
  7. Bin-Shyan Jong, Chien-Ming Chen, Te-Yi Chan, Yen-Teh Hsia, and Tsong-Wuu Lin, “Effect of knowledge complementation grouping strategy for cooperative learning on online performance and learning achievement”, Computer Applications In Engineering Education (Accepted)  【SCI,EI】
  8. Te-yi Chan, Chien-Ming Chen, Yu-Lung Wu, Bin-Shyan Jong, Yen-The Hsia and Tsong-Wuu Lin (June, 2010), “Applying the Genetic Encoded Conceptual Graph to Grouping Learning”, Expert System with Applications, Vol. 37, Issue 6, pp. 4103-4118【SCI,EI】
  9. Bin-Shyan Jong, Chien-Ming Chen, Te-Yi Chan, Yen-The Hsia and Tsong-Wuu Lin (Accepted, 2009), “Applying Learning Portfolios and Thinking Styles to Adaptive Remedial Learning”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education.【SCI,EI】
  10. Bin-Shyan Jong, Chien-Hsing Chiang, Pai-Feng Lee and Tsong-Wuu Lin (February, 2010), “High Quality Surface Remeshing With Equilateral Triangle Grid”, The Visual Computer, Vol. 26, Issue 2, pp. 121-136.【SCI,EI】
  11. Pai-Feng Lee, Chi-Kang Kao, Juin-Ling Tseng, Bin-Shyan Jong, Tsong-Wuu Lin;”3D Animation Compression Using Affine Transformation Matrix and Principle Component Analysis”, IEICE Transactions on Information & System, Vol.E90-D, No.7, page:1073-1084, 2007/7. 【SCI/EI】
  12. Pai-Feng Lee, Chien-Hsing Chiang, Juin-Ling Tseng, Bin-Shyan Jong, Tsong-Wuu Lin; (December, 2006)“Octree Subdivision Using Coplanar Criterion for Hierarchical Point Simplification”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).【EI】
  13. Bin-Shyan Jong, Te-Yi Chan, Yu-Lung Wu and Tsong-Wuu Lin (April, 2006); “Applying the Adaptive Learning Material Producing Strategy to Group Learning”, The 2006 International Conference on E-learning and Games (Edutainment 2006), Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, also be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol.3942, page:39-49. 【EI】
  14. Bin-Shyan Jong, Tsong-Wuu Lin, Yu-Lung Wu, Te-Yi Chan (March, 2006); “Effective Two-Phase Cooperative Learning on the WEB”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.22, No.2, page:425-446. 【SCI/EI】
  15. Bin-Shyan Jong, Te-Yi Chan, Yu-Lung Wu, Tsong-Wuu Lin (January,2006); “Innovative Web Cooperative Learning Environment”, GESTS International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 1, page:71-82. (Invited Paper)
  16. Bin-Shyan Jong, Pei-Feng Lee, Juin-Ling Tseng, Tsong-Wuu Lin (January, 2006); “Using Auxiliary Points to Increase Local Density for Object Reconstruction”, GESTS International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 1, page:168-180. (Invited Paper)
  17. Bin-Shyan Jong, Tsong-Wuu Lin, Wen-Hao Yang, Juin-Ling Tseng (2004); “ Improved Edge-Based Compression for the Connectivity of 3D Models”, IEICE Transactions on Information & System, Vol.E87-D, No.12, page:2845-2854. 【SCI/EI】
  18. Bin-Shyan Jong, Tsong-Wuu Lin, Yu-Lung Wu, Te-Yi Chan (2004); “Diagnostic and Remedial Learning Strategy Based On Conceptual Graphs”, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Vol.20, page:377-386.【SSCI】
  19. Bin-Shyan Jong, Tsong-Wuu Lin, Juin-Ling Tseng, Meng-Yuan Wang, (2004) “A Study on Level of Detail for Dynamic Model”, Journal of Chin Min Institute of Technology, Vol.9, page: 81-90, 2004.
  20. Tsong-Wuu Lin and yun-Feng Chou, (2003) “A study of Zernike moments for image retrieval”, Journal of computers, Vol. 15, No. 3, P1-8.
  21. Bin-Shyan Jong, Tsong-Wuu Lin, Wen-Hao Yang, and Juin-Ling Tseng, (2003) “Edge-based compression for 3D model connectivity”, Journal of computers, Vol. 15, No. 3, P17-32.
  22. C.-C. Yu, T. W. Lin, and C.-C. Wang(July, 1999), “Research on Internet Marketing of Information Products, ” Journal of Information Management, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 25-46. 【TSSCI】
  23. T. W. Lin(January, 1999) “Lossless compression for storing similar binary images” International Journal of Imaging Systems and technology, Vol. 10, pp.59-66. 【EI】
  24. T. W. Lin (1998) “Improving region growing method for lossless image compression,” in Multimedia Storage and Archiving Systems III, C.-C. Jay Kuo, Shih-Fu Chang, Venkat N. Gudivada, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 3527, pp. 456-464.【EI】 (NSC87-2213-E031-002)
  25. C.-C. Yu, T. W. Lin, and C.-C. Wang(June, 1998) “The classification of internet marketing and its timing, ” Journal of Dayeh University, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 1-11.
  26. T. W. Lin(November, 1997), “Fixed attribute-length linear quadtree representations for storing similar images,” in Multimedia Storage and Archiving Systems II, C.-C. Jay Kuo, Shih-Fu Chang , Venkat N. Gudivada, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 3229, pp. 278-287. 【SCI】
  27. T. W. Lin(November, 1997),"Compressed linear quadtree representations for storing similar images", Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 15, pp.833-843. 【SCI】
  28. T. W. Lin(July, 1997),"Set operations on the constant bit-length linear quadtree," Pattern recognition, p 1239-1249. 【SCI】
  29. Bin Shyan Jong, Tsong Wuu Lin, and Ming Dar Tsai (1997),”The Real_Time Simulation of Physical Properties in the Virtual Reality,” Journal of Computers, Vol. 9, No. 4, 1997, pp.34-48.
  30. Bin Shyan Jong and Tsong Wuu Lin (1996), "A Tabular Ray Tracing Algorithm for Radiosity under Dynamic Environment," Chinese Journal of CAD and Computer Graphics, Beijing, China, Vol.8, Sep 1996, pp.7-16. (EI)
  31. 林聰武 (民國85,11月),「利用地理資訊系統製作地理性電腦輔助教學系統」,教育資料與研究,第十三期。
  32. T. W. Lin and S. N. Yang(1992), “An efficient connected labeling algorithm for images represented linear quadtrees,” in theory and Application of Image Analysis (edited by P. Johansen and S. Olsen), World Scientific Publiching Co., pp 125-132.
  33. T. W. Lin and S. N. Yang(1991), “Application of Quadtrees in the geographic information system,” Computer Journal, Vol. 3, No. 4.
  34. T. W. Lin (1990), “An Improved 3D-Border Algorithm for Octree Representation,” Computer Journal, vol. 2, No. 2.
  1. 林聰武、王湘,臺灣消費者使用行動支付工具之研究,ICIM2018第二十九屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,2018年6月3日,台中,台灣。
  2. 林聰武,葉東祥,單一價量指標應用於台灣股市之可行性研究,2018 中華創新管理學會學術暨實務研討會,2018年5月26日,台中,台灣。
  3. 林聰武、呂嘉祐,Microsoft超融合架構下軟體定義儲存服務效能評估之研究,2018自由軟體與教育科技研討會,2018年5月11日,台北,台灣。
  4. 林聰武、鄭惟鍾,匯率對台股類股指數之影響,2018第11屆商務科技與管理研討會,2018年5月18日,台北,台灣。
  5. 林聰武、姚亮宇『使用手機管控系統之研究-以國軍某單位為例』,2017會計資訊暨管理論壇研討會,2017年5月
  6. 林聰武、吳長恩『行東即時通訊軟體LINE使用行為模式對工作績效之影響』,第28屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,2017年5月
  7. 陳勝揚、林聰武,基於OAuth身份辨識機制探討與實現,ITIA2015 資訊技術與產業應用國際研討會。
  8. 許哲維、林聰武,物流信任度對網路購物的影響-以科技接受模型延伸整合分析, 大葉大學第十六屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會。
  9. 張天成、林聰武,以金融從業人員角度研究「逆向房屋抵押貸款」可行性, 2015財務工程與精算科學研討會暨碩士研究生論壇。
  10. 李奕勳、林聰武,以科技接受模式探討銷售力自動化系統之研究-以銀行為例,ITIA2015 資訊技術與產業應用國際研討會。
  11. 林聰武、李孟庭,折扣幅度對於實體店面與虛擬店面之消費者購物意願影響,2015資訊管理暨電子商務經營研討會。
  12. 林聰武、何品葳,以任務複雜性為基礎探討網站複雜性對使用意願之影響,2015資訊管理暨電子商務經營管理研討會。
  13. 王祖揚、林聰武,台灣消費者使用動態信用卡號之意願研究,2015 資訊管理暨電子商務經營管理研討會。
  14. 吳家昇、林聰武,資金投資股市操作方式之研究,2014創新實務與個案研討會。
  15. 陳明楷、林聰武,台 灣 公 益 彩 劵 之 研 究,2014創新實務與個案研討會。
  16. 葉佳政、林聰武,敏捷式開發方法論-Scrum 框架整合領域驅動設計,2014創新實務與個案研討會。
  17. 林聰武,林育霆,(2014,5月),「智慧行動裝置與網路應用研究-以交通路況預測為例」,2014前瞻管理學術與產業趨勢研討會,pp.82,苗栗。
  18. 林庭瑋,(2014,5月8日),以科技接受模型探討廣告媒體業使用媒體分析工具系統之研究,2014全國管理實務暨學術研討會。
  19. 林聰武和施宜琳,(2014,5月16~17日),Offline to Online 消費者購物意願研究-以網路美妝店為例,2014資訊管理暨電子商務經營管理研討會。
  20. 林聰武、蘇威綸,(民國103年5月9日),高風險價值小型股投資系統,2014企業競爭力與經營管理學術研討會,103/5/9。
  21. 林聰武、郇智喬, (民國98年,11月28日),「進階加密標準加密強度之研究」,2009全國計算機會議論文集,台北大學,277-288頁。
  22. Te-Yi Chan, Rou-Mei Wang, Bin-Shyan Jong, Yen-Teh Hsia and Tsong-Wuu Lin (October, 2008), “Conceptual Graph Based Learning Material Producing Strategy for Cooperative Learning”, The 2008 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2008), New York, USA, pp. F2F-15~F2F-19.
  23. Chien-Ming Chen, Cheng-Hao Ma, Bin-Shyan Jong, Yen-Teh Hsia and Tsong-Wuu Lin (October, 2008), “Using Data Mining to Discover the Correlation between Web Learning Portfolios and Achievements”, The 2008 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2008), New York, USA, pp. F2F-9~F2F-14.
  24. Juin-Ling Tseng, Chien-Hsing Chiang, Pai-Feng Lee, Bin-Shyan Jong and Tsong-Wuu Lin (July, 2008), “Surface Reconstruction for Point-Simplified Models using Discrete Shape Operator”, The 2008 International Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, (CGVR 2008), Las Vegas, USA, pp. 129-136.
  25. Yu-Ren Lai and Tsong-Wuu Lin (August 1-3, 2008), A Fast Geometric Method Based on Graph Matching Algorithm for Fingerprints, 2008 International Symposium on Applied Computing and Computational Sciences , Hong Kong. (Accepted)
  26. Yu-Hao Chang and Tsong-Wuu Lin (August 1-3, 2008), Dynamic illumination compensation and distance measuring for face recognition, 2008 International Symposium on Applied Computing and Computational Sciences , Hong Kong. (Accepted)
  27. Chien-Hsing Chiang, Wei-Cheng Lin, Pai-Feng Lee, Bin-Shyan Jong, Tsong-Wuu Lin (June, 2008); ”Automatic Feature Preservation Remeshing”, 2008 Computer Graphics International (CGI 2008) , page: 2~9, Istanbul, Turkey.
  28. Chien-Ming Chen, Chao-Yi Li, Te-Yi Chan, Bin-Shyan Jong, and Tsong-Wuu Lin (October, 2007); ”Diagnosis of Students` Online Learning Portfolios”, The 2007 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2007), Wisconsin, page: T3D-17-T3D-22,USA.
  29. Te-Yi Chan, Yu-Ting Cheng, Bin-Shyan Jong, Yu-Lung Wu, and Tsong-Wuu Lin (October, 2007); ”Applying Learning Achievement and Thinking Styles to Cooperative Learning Grouping”, The 2007 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2007), page: T1C-9-T1C-13, Wisconsin, USA.
  30. Pai-Feng Lee, Chi-Kang Kao, Jhen-yu Liao, Bin-Shyan Jong, Tsong-Wuu Lin,(February, 2007) “ Animation Compression using the Affine Transformation Matrix and PCA”, The Asia-Pacific Symposium on Visualisation, Sydney, Australia,. (IEEE & ACM)
  31. Pai-Feng Lee, Chi-Kang Kao, Jhen-yu Liao, Bin-Shyan Jong, Tsong-Wuu Lin, (January, 2007) “ Compression of 3D Animation by Principal Component Analysis”, The Fourth International Conference in IT & Application, Harbin, China, 2007/01. (IEEE & EI)
  32. Pai-Feng Lee, Chien-Hsing Chiang, Juin-Ling Tseng, Bin-Shyan Jong, Tsong-Wuu Lin, (December, 2006) “Octree Subdivision Using Coplanar Criterion for Hierarchical Point Simplification”, The 2006 IEEE Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology(PSIVT 2006), National Tsinghua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, also be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
  33. Bin-Shyan Jong, Te-Yi Chan, Yu-Lung Wu and Tsong-Wuu Lin, (April, 2006) “Applying the Adaptive Learning Material Producing Strategy to Group Learning”, The 2006 International Conference on E-learning and Games (Edutainment 2006), Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, also be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol.3942, page:39-49.
  34. Bin-Shyan Jong, Juin-Ling Tseng, Wen-Hao Yang, Tsong-Wuu Lin, (January, 2006) “Adaptive Photon Clustering Method Based on Quadtree Structure for Dynamic Scenes”, The 2006 IEEE International MultiMedia Modelling Conference (MMM 2006), page:209~216, Beijing, China.
  35. Tsong-Wuu Lin and Chung-Shen Hung, (February, 2006), “Quadrant Motif Approach for Image Retrieval”, The 14-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG 2006 Full Papers proceedings), Czech.
  36. Tsong-Wuu Lin and Chung-Shen Hung, (Decemner, 2005), “Content Based Image Retrieval Using Quadrant Motif Scan”, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering (CISSE 2005), page 67-74, Connecticut, USA.
  37. Bin-Shyan Jong, Juin-Ling Tseng, Wen-Hao Yang, Tsong-Wuu Lin, (December, 2005) “Extracting Features and Simplifying Surfaces using Shape Operator”, The 2005 IEEE International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS 2005), page:1025~1029, Bangkok, Thailand.
  38. Bin-Shyan Jong, Wen-Hao Yang, Juin-Ling Tseng, Tsong-Wuu Lin (August, 2005) “A Real-Time Edge-Based Compression/Decompression for 3D Models”,The 8th IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging (CGIM2005), page:37-42, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA,.
  39. Bin-Shyan Jong, Wen-Hao, Yang,Juin-Ling, Tseng, Tsong-Wuu Lin (July 2005); “An Efficient Connectivity Compression for Triangular Meshes”, The 2005 International Conference on computer and Information Science, page 583-588, Jeju Island, South Korea.
  40. Bin-Shyan Jong, Wen-Hao Yang, Juin-Ling Tseng, Tsong-Wuu Lin (May 2005); “Edge-based Compression for 3D Models Using Adaptive Arithmetic Coder”, The International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA 2005), Singapore .
  41. Bin-Shyan Jong, Juin-Ling Tseng, Wen-Hao Yang, Tsong-Wuu Lin (May 2005); “Regional Photon Clustering for Updating Time-Dependent Global Illumination in Dynamic Scenes”, The International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA 2005), Singapore. (Posted)
  42. Bin-Shyan Jong, Tsong-Wuu Lin, Te-Yi Chan, Yu-Lung Wu (January, 2005); “Case Study: The Students’ Attitudes Toward The Re-grouping Issue for Cooperative Learning”, paper presented at The 2005 Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, USA.
  43. Bin-Shyan Jong, Tsong Wuu Lin, Juin-Ling Tseng, Pai-Feng Lee (2004); “Preserving the Features of Low-Resolution Model Using Torsion Detection”, paper presented at 2004 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies, Tainan, Taiwan.
  44. Bin-Shyan Jong, Tsong-Wuu Lin, Yu-Lung Wu, Te-Yi Chan (July, 2004); “A Dynamic Grouping Strategy for Cooperative Learning on the Web”, International Conference on Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications (EISTA 2004), page:29-37, Orlando, Florida, USA.
  45. Bin-Shyan Jong , Tsong-Wuu Lin, Shin-Ching Lin, Juin-Ling Tseng (July, 2004), “Global Illumination in Dynamic Scenes Using Quadtree to Cluster Photons” 2004 Computer Graphics Workshop,清華大學,台灣新竹.
  46. Bin-Shyan Jong , Tsong-Wuu Lin, Juin-Ling Tseng, Wen-Hao Yang (July, 2004), “Surface Simplification Using Torsion Detection ” 2004 Computer Graphics Workshop,清華大學,台灣新竹。.
  47. Bin-Shyan Jong, Tsong-Wuu Lin, Yu-Lung Wu, Te-Yi Chan (March, 2004), “A Web Daul Mode Virtual Laboratory Supporting Cooperative learning,” IEEE The 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2004), Page:642~647, Fukuoka, Japan.
  48. Bin-Shyan Jong, Tsong-Wuu Lin, Yu-Lung Wu, Te-Yi Chan (July, 2003), “A Web-based Virtual Reality Physics Laboratory,” 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Page 455~455, Athens, Greece.
  49. Bin-Shyan Jong, Tsong-Wuu Lin, Te-Yi Chan, Yu-Lung Wu (May, 2003), “Interactive and Collaborative Virtual Learning Environment: Virtual Wildlife Park,” MNSA2003-Workshops of The 23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, IEEE Computer Society, Page:622~626, Providence, Rhode Island USA.
  50. Bin-Shyan Jong, Tsong-Wuu Lin, Te-Yi Chan, Yu-Lung Wu (January, 2003), “Applying Virtual Reality to Cooperative Learning Grouping,” The 2003 Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu.
  51. B. S. Jong,T. W. Lin,Wen Hao Yang(July, 2002);“An improved Alpha-Shapes Algorithm for Geometric Reconstruction, ” The 22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, IEEE Computer Society, Page:228~232, Vienna. 【EI】
  52. B. S. Jong, T. W. Lin, Yu Lung Wu( July, 2002 ), “Learning Environment and Learning Activities With Chemistry and Physics Laboratory on the Web”, 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems on Emerging Technologies (ICIS-2002) , Boston.
  53. 鍾斌賢,林聰武,吳育龍,黃宇辰 (民國91,6月),「以概念圖做為合作學習分組策略之研究」,2002全球華人計算機教育應用大會,北京。
  54. 鍾斌賢,林聰武,楊文灝,趙坤山 (民國91,6月),「以改良型Alpha-Shapes 重建未組織的點集合」,2002 Computer Graphics Workshop,台灣台南。
  55. 鍾斌賢,林聰武,楊文灝,游昇機 (民國91,6月),「於光跡追蹤法中改良區塊航行演算法之研究」,2002 Computer Graphics Workshop,台灣台南。
  56. 鍾斌賢,林聰武,吳育龍,黃宇辰 (民國90,10月),「於網際網路上應用概念圖輔助學習之研究」,2001年台灣區網際網路研討會。
  57. 鍾斌賢,林聰武,吳育龍 (民國90,6月),「於網際網路上應用概念圖輔助學習之研究」,2001全球華人計算機教育應用大會。
  58. 鍾斌賢,林聰武,吳育龍,鄭憲永,鄭立川,孫荻雯,高苑方 (民國89,10月),「虛擬學校學習環境設計與建置」,2000年台灣區網際網路研討會。
  59. 鍾斌賢,吳育龍,王贊強,詹德譯,張孟鈞,林聰武 ,葉平應 (民國89,10月),「用虛擬實境技術建置遠距教學系統」,2000年台灣區網際網路研討會,pp.188~190。
  60. 鍾斌賢,林聰武,許智偉,吳育龍,陳瑞馨 (民國89,5月),「網際合作學習環境之建置與溝通方式之研究」,2000全球華人計算機教育應用大會。
  61. B.S. Jong and T.W. Lin(December, 2000), “An Improvement of connectivity compression for triangular meshes” 2000 International Computer Symposium, Workshop on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, pp. 172~175.
  62. 鍾斌賢,林聰武,羅坤松 (民國88,12月),「三維幾何圖形即時壓縮之研究」,1999 National Computer Symposium,pp.B-532 - B-539。
  63. 鍾斌賢,林聰武,廖年祥,許智偉 (民國88,6月),「網際網路物理實驗室之製作」,99全球華人計算機教育應用大會, pp.294-301。
  64. 鍾斌賢,林聰武,廖年祥,許智偉 (民國88,3月),「網際網路物理實驗室之製作」,中華民國第二屆化學教育學術研討會,pp.90-96。
  65. 鍾斌賢,林聰武,許智偉,趙坤山,黃文貞 (民國88,3月),「社會型網路教學:以物理實驗為例」,第八屆國際電腦輔助教學研討會,pp.87-88。
  66. T. W. Lin (1998), “An efficient on-line coding scheme for similar images,” in The Proceedings of the ISCA 13th International Conference, N. C. Debnath, Editors, pp. 278-281.
  67. T. W. Lin (1998), “Improved region growing method for lossless image compression,” SPIE Symposium on Voice, Video, and Data Communications, pp. 456-464.
  68. T. W. Lin (1998), “Laboratory on Web,” 1998 International Computer Symposium, December, pp194-199.
  69. T. W. Lin (1998), “A compression method for storing a sequence of images,” The Fourth International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP’98), pp. 763-766.
  70. B.S. Jong, T. W. Lin, and N. S. Liao (1998); “Social Network Education: a Physics
  71. 鍾斌賢,林聰武,廖年祥(民國87,6月),「社會型網路教學:以物理實驗為例」,98全球華人計算機教育應用大會。
  72. 余朝權,林聰武,王政忠(民國87,6月),「資訊產品的網路行銷」,第三屆中小企業發展學術研討會,頁293-324。
  73. 林聰武(民國87,5月),「資訊科技在商務之應用」,1998海峽兩岸財經與商學研討會,頁311-323。
  74. 鍾斌賢,林聰武,李奕青(民國86,12月);「虛擬實境支援網路型社會學習理論」,中華民國第十三屆科學教育學術研討會,pp.92-96。
  75. Y. C. Li, B. S. Jong, T. W. Lin (Novenber,1997),“Social Learning Style in Physics Web Laboratory,” 1997 Computer Graphics Workshop, pp.56-59.
  76. S. C. Yu, B. S. Jong, T. W. Lin, (Novenber,1997),“3D 導覽系統之製作”,1997 Computer Graphics Workshop, pp.50-55.
  77. 郭豐州 和 林聰武 (Rocmelia`97, June 7-8, 1997),「互動卡拉OK會話練習」,第一屆國際電腦多媒體語文教學研討會。
  78. 余朝權,林聰武,王政忠(民國86,6月),「網路行銷類別與時機之初步分析」,1997年企業管理國際研討會,頁137~151。
  79. T. W. Lin, and H. R. Lee(1997), “Cluster analysis based on the tabu search,” National Computer Symposium 1997, pp. E-86~E-91.
  80. T. W. Lin(1997), “Fixed attribute-length linear-quadtree representations for storing similar images,” 1997 SPIE`s International Symposium on Voice, Video, and Data Communications.
  81. 劉信宏、林聰武、鍾斌賢(民國85,12月),「虛擬物件之物理性質描述語言之研究」,1996 Computer Graphics Workshop, pp 67-70 .3
  82. 曾俊霖、鍾斌賢、林聰武(民國85,12月),「虛擬環境中具物理性質之布料模型」,1996 Computer Graphics Workshop,pp. 35-38。
  83. T. W. Lin (October, 1996), “Image compression using fixed length quadtree coding,” The 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing, p 970-973.
  84. 林聰武、陳培敏、與林旭陽(民國85,3月),「GIS系統應用於電腦輔助地理教學系統之探討」,第五屆國際電腦輔助教學研討會,pp. 48-55。
  85. 林聰武 (民國85),「物流中心的資訊管理」,1996國際商業物流管理研討會,533-539頁。
  86. T. W. Lin, and H. R. Lee, “A tabu search approach for the clustering problem,” CVGIP`96, p106-110.
  87. 鍾斌賢、林聰武、與徐金錚(民國84),「線性樹狀結構機率模組之分析」,中華民國八十四年全國計算機會議,802-809頁。
  88. 林聰武 與楊文泰(民國84),「輻射動態環境下表格式光跡追蹤法」,中華民國八十四年全國計算機會議,745-752頁。
  89. 鍾斌賢、林聰武、與沈維哲(民國84),「表格航行加速光跡追蹤法」,中華民國八十四年全國計算機會議,737-744頁。
  90. S. Jong, T. W. Lin, and B. H. Guo(1995), “Construction and manipulation of variable-radius offset curves,” Computer Graphics Workshop, p 22-25.
  91. S. N. Yang and T. W. Lin, “ efficient connected component labelling algorithm for images represented by linear quadtrees, ” The 7th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, p. 1086-1093.
  92. S. N. Yang and T. W. Lin(1991), “A new linear octree construction by filling algorithms,” IEEE International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications (IEEE IPCCC-91), Scottsdale, p. 740-746.
  93. S. N. Yang and T. W. Lin(October, 1990), “A new 3D-Border algorithm by neighbor finding,” IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC`90), p 353-358.
  1. 余朝權、林聰武,「網路行銷之類別、方法及適用產品」,民國86年6月。
  2. 林聰武、陳培敏、連志誠,「利用地理資訊系統發展工具製作電腦輔助地理教學系統之問題探討」,NSC85-2511-S-031-004-CL,民國86年。
  3. 林聰武,「圖形影像儲存之研究」,NSC81-0408-E031-502, 民國82年。
  1. 94年8月至95年7月,主持國科會計畫,「影像檢索使用空間色彩區塊之迮奈克動量」。(NSC94-2213-E-031-006-, NT $284,000)
  2. 91年8月至92年7月,主持國科會專題研究計畫,「具備漸層細緻性質之內容為基礎的影像擷取研究(I)」。(NSC91-2213-E-031-003,NT$548,700)
  3. 90年8月至91年7月,主持國科會專題研究計畫,「具備漸層細緻性質之內容為基礎的影像擷取研究」。(NSC90-2213-E-031-003,NT$531,300)
  4. 89年8月至90年7月,主持國科會專題研究計畫 ,「無失真壓縮法儲存串列影像之研究(I)」。(NSC89-2218-E-031-002,NT $409,100)
  5. 89年6月至89年7月,主持晟任資訊有限公司「鑑定汽車專業網及ISP虛擬網頁空間系統軟體價值」。(NT $60,000)
  6. 88年8月至89年7月,主持國科會專題研究計畫 「無失真壓縮法於串列彩色影像之研究(I) 」。(NSC89-2213-E-031-005,NT $419,700)
  7. 86年8月至87年7月,主持國科會專題研究計畫「利用禁忌搜尋求解聚類問題」。
  8. 86年3月至87年6月,共同主持國科會專題研究計畫 「電腦資源在微生物學實驗能力中的應用(一) 」。
  9. 85年6月至86年5月,共同主持宏碁科技公司研究專案 「網路行銷之類別、方法及適用產品」。
  10. 84年8月至85年7月,主持國科會專題研究計畫「利用地理資訊系統發展工具製作電腦輔助地理教學系統之問題探討」。
  11. 81年2月至82年1月,主持國科會專題研究計畫 「圖形影像儲存之研究」。